RFID Tripod Turnstile Problems   6 comments


As my experienced in several places with tripod turnstile as pedestrian gate and operated with RFID as trigger, I was found troubles as follows :

1. Gate couldn’t  be opened after RFID tagging.

2. Gate opened, but counter said more than 1 persons passed through

Problem Solver

For number 1 above, I found 2 possibilities on it, here is my idea and solved those problems :

1.1. Full Log, just clear log on machine. Syntax :  CZKEM1.ClearGLog MACHINENUMBER

1.2. Using Unregistered Card. Register can be done with or within code.

For number 2 above,

Some existing software on tripod turnstile seller, pedestrian counter based on raised number triggered by RFID tagging by pedestrians. Usually using OnHIDNum event. Some times the RFID Reader detect 1 RFID tag twice or even more, and its trigger the pedestrian counter to counting more than 1 times. So, I solve this problem with change the way how to get the right counter by place number who get from reader in object first, then when “change” event trigger, count it once.

Hope that my blogs can help….

Posted February 17, 2015 by Andi Rafik in Waterpark

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6 responses to “RFID Tripod Turnstile Problems

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  1. Hello Lahir,
    I found your blog through “turnstile” search word via Google.
    What do you think about the following minimum requirements for the PC to install on this PC the software for access control turnstile?
    – Microsoft Windows XP, Windows 2000 Prof., Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 operating system
    – 1 GB RAM
    – 10 GB free disk space
    – Celeron 2.5 or higher
    – LAN Ethernet 10 Mbps
    I met them here http://www.perco.com/support/software.php
    Aren’t they too high for the majority of users?

  2. Hello John,

    The first thing, my name is Andi Rafik… 🙂
    Actually, for install access control turnstile is too high. Based on IT knowledge, event old computer like Pentium I is enough for access control turnstile softwares. But… today… if we buy a computer, minimum specification always be higher than our need, and price doesn’t influence more….

    Thanks a lot for your reply Mr. John Maybach

  3. Hello dear Mr. Andi Rafik,

    I bring my apologize for this mistake. Think the reason of it was in hurry.
    Firstly I thought that so high requirements are caused by complexity of this software. This firm offers ready to use and stand alone access control solution which includes a turnstile with built-in controller and free software (http://goo.gl/hs9riq). I found details about the software in original language of the manufacturer (http://goo.gl/RPB6uG) and used Google Chrome translation mode to read the specification. So to my mind described functions of the software are not so complex to ask for such high requirements. But I am not an IT expert to make a final judgement. May be the manufacturer knows it’s job better and the requirements are well grounded.

    • Dear Mr. John Maybach,
      It doesn’t matter about your mistake… Just forget it… 🙂
      I already downloaded and tried softwares from website as informed. In my opinion, this software used with most of all places and produced with many different company. Only layout distinguished from one to another software, but they were same fields on the databases. And it’s always usually designed for running in minimum requirements computer specification. It’s all of your decision Mr. John, with simple think like how it can be worthed for your business compared with how much your spending money for this system or how they can serve you after sales service. After all, I would like to give a litle suggestion : 1. Ask for Tripod Turnstile seller with solenoid lock system, it’s good for long-time performance as my experienced. and 2. Ask if their software integrated with accounting (optional choice regarding to your line of business).
      Hope this can help you to take your final judgement accordingly.

  4. Dear Mr. Andi Rafik,
    Thanks a lot for such a detailed suggestion. Could you please specify what do you mean saying about solenoid lock system? Is it an essential part of turnstiles? And about integration with accounting do you mean time & attendance system?

    • Dear Mr. John Maybach,
      Offcourse the solenoid lock system is essential part of turnstiles. This part had responsibility to lock turnstile swing. We can say that solenoid system is semi automatic lock system who has a combined of mechanical and electrical system, not fully electrical system like newer turnstile equipment in generally. In the other side solenoid lock system was a little bit more expensive than full electrical system, and have a longer lifetime. Problems coming when the damage occurred after more than 5 years usage, i guaranteed as my experienced that we can not be fixed easily as solenoid lock system. I mean, we just thrown away those electronic block and change it with the new one… 🙂
      About integration with accounting, there is not only time & attendance system. With data who came from reports, we can get integrated financial statements automatically without data input manually. Just think about human error…

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